We grow sustainable greens and raise animals for our group. Blenheim Hill Farm is a historic farm where heritage breed, free-roaming animals are bred and raised, and a year-round hydroponic greenhouse supplies fresh, seasonal greens for our farm events.
Click here to go to our farm website: Blenheim Hill Farm
Historic structures of the property have been preserved and restored by the owners.
The history of the Blenheim dates back to the late 1700's, when the Peaslee family settled on the land that was then owned by the Queen of England. Parcels of the land were divided and leased to farmers until the Anti-Rent War on Blenheim Hil. The town was also the site of various raids and skirmishes during the American Revolution. The land operated as a farm until the 1970's and laid dormant until 2010, when proprietors Morten Sohlberg and Min Ye purchased the farm and restored the property.
Owner Morten with a family of heritage breed pigs at the farm.
promoting sustainable agriculture
Since the farm's restoration, Blenheim Hill Farm has blossomed into a site where traditional farming methods meet the modern tenets of sustainability. Rare and heritage breeds of livestock and poultry, including Icelandic sheep, Hereford beef cattle, rare breeds of pig and free-range chickens, roam the land and forests. A state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse, designed by owners Morten and Min, houses year-round varietals of edible flowers, herbs, peas, beans, barley, cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes and more. Forests of maple and birch trees line the outskirts of the property and bees are kept to produce local honey. A two acre spring-fed lake supplies fresh water for the animals, and local butchers are used to prepare and cure the meats for all restaurants.
Owners Morten and Min split their time between managing their restaurants in Manhattan and running the farm upstate.
Blenheim Hill Farm dates back to the late 1700's
A variety of heritage and rare breeds, including Icelandic sheep, are raised on the farm
Owner Min surveys the lettuces growing in the hydroponic greenhouse